Friday, February 22, 2013

Claims Based Authorization

I'm not really familiar enough with various forms of authorization to speak with any sort of confidence about what the best way to do authorization is, but a person at work was really high on claims based authorization so I thought I'd do some research. I'll add links as I come across ones I like that help describe what claims based authorization is and how to implement it.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Single Page Apps - Analytics

Since I have been using JQuery a lot lately, I've done a lot of experimenting with single page apps. They are great, but there are several drawbacks as well - one of them is that using tools like Google Analytics means your website gets 'one visit' when the user loads your single page app.

Here is some info on setting up Google Analytics to work with a single page app - and give you proper tracking of your website usage.

Web Apps - Mobile Browsers

I don't know if you often get requests to develop websites for mobile browsers, but I get that request pretty regularly. I don't really enjoy it a lot because there are a whole lot of common UI behaviors that are hard to program or just take a lot of time.

Anyway, I came across this site the other day and a lot of my future problems have already been solved.

GO JQuery!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

File Formats: SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)

TODO: Create an SVG file (in Illustrator?) and post it online (below?).

(here): Blogger doesn't upload .svg files, but they work in modern browsers . In Illustrator (Save As > Format (svg)). Notice file size then open file in browser (File > Open). Apparently can save with option of future editing in Illustrator.

TODO: Create an SVG Animation (SMIL):


BTW: Animated GIFs r cool:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012